Manic Monday - From Where You'd Rather Be
There has been plenty of noise around Origins and rightly so.
This trip was one born out of a connection between a handful of guys who share the same passion for flyfishing. We had very little planned for the trip, all we knew is that we want to head somewhere together, somewhere warm and somewhere salty. When Dave Bradley of Australian Flyfishing Outfitters called me up and told me he had a few days free, there was only ever going to be one answer.
Although extremely difficult, I managed to convince Matt Tripet, Cam Forsman and Mick Hurren to jump on a plane and meet me in Townsville as we had a good window of weather and some perfect looking tides. Mick being the creative mind he is, took this as a great opportunity to shoot some footage and share a story about the AFO crew.
What you see below is a stunning film that shows the relationships we forge through flyfishing. Not only with each other, but with a mutual trust in the Scott Fly Rod Company as they have provided us with the very best rods in the industry, to do what we love with confidence.