Techy Thursday - The Loon Hot Box
The Loon Hot Box is a simple compartment style fly box for keeping those top flies close at hand. No more dipping in to your pack for recruitments or packing heavy for that evening flick down at the local, your Loon Hot Box is small, compact and can keep around six dozen flies handily ready inside your wader or coat pocket.
Six adjustable compartments allow you to segregate tiny nymphs and dries or accommodate larger patterns when needed, and a handy chain loop allows you to clip your hot box securely to a zinger or lanyard if desired. I have a bunch of these sitting around home filled with seasonal speciality flies, patterns I don’t need in my main box every day. Beetle, willow grub, spent sinners and late season hotspot flies, I simply grab the box I need and go.
Especially for this time of year, as autumn changes to winter both location, and fish behaviour can widely and so accordingly do my fly patterns. I don’t need more than a few of each pattern and so as they come off the vise they go straight into a hot box ready for tomorrow’s mission. Just throw a couple into your pocket and the Loon Hot Box is the perfect complement to your bread and butter selection of your main fly box.
As I write I’m tying for Tuesdays post lockdown ‘reopening’ of my local if you will. A few new USD spinner ideas, a couple of hothead bombs and floating nymphs go straight to the hotbox, to slip straight into my wader pocket for the last hurrah of the main 2019 / 20 freshwater open season.
Now is that rain??!!