Manic Monday - Dawn 'til Dusk Opening Trip

Manic Mate, Jakub Kanok of Dawn till Dusk Fly Fishing planned one of the more solid opening trips we've heard of this year with his friend Chris. Blessed with good weather and rivers to themselves they clocked up plenty of k's by foot and by car and were rewarded appropriately. Jakub has written a great trip report HERE, and we've run a quick sneak peak below. Go check it out, it'll get you fired up to get out there!


Sunny with no wind and definitely some good fish in the river. A quick recon the day before revealed that there were more fish than the previous year. With the Hut to ourselves and no other fisherman around, we knew we were pretty lucky. After two quick re-rigs the first fish was hooked and lost but it was a good sign as it was feeding like crazy. Walking amongst the high tussock mountains following the meandering river, we were hopeful, but we never expected to see that many fish, let alone catch them. Just a perfect start of the season.

Score Board : Chris: 6, Jakub: 5 Walked: 20km