Friday Fly Day - Ask The Locals
Muzz Wilson fills us in on a great tip to help with fly selection on new water.
It is in your best interest when traveling to a new fishing location to get as much information as possible as to what bugs are present in the waterway and what the fish feed on, and one of the best ways of doing this is to ‘ask the locals’.
What if you know no one that lives close by or has fished this area before?
No need to panic there are still locals there that have up to the minute hatch details.
You can not ring these locals or ask questions on Facebook, the only way to find their information is go and meet them.
These locals hang out around the river all day keeping a close eye on what’s happening and hoping the net they set will catch them some food, yes they use nets but we can’t hold that against them for we can use their nets as well.
By now you must be wondering what I’m on about.
Spiders! These little critters build nets to catch their food and they build them close to the lakes and rivers that we all fish in. So next time you are exploring a new fishing location have a look around for a few spider webs to see what been hatching then use this information to help you select your fly and tactics.