reviews the Simms Dry Creek Roll Top Hip Pack
David Anderson of has been going a bit stir crazy in the Victorian rain, which is great for us because it makes him put together reviews for his this recent one on the Simms Dry Creek Roll Top Hip Pack!
"Off season cabin fever?
Possibly, as through winter, it’s rained so much around northeast Victoria that I did seriously consider wearing a sheet and becoming the second half baked Australian to build an ark.
Not sure what stopped me, the fact that animals don’t like me or that I’m a rubbish carpenter or that if I wore one of the sheets my wife would kill me. The good news though, is that all this rain has reminded me that the new hip pack I think I must have, needs to be waterproof as the rain doesn’t look like stopping anytime soon. I’ve been thinking about a waist pack for a while and after a little trolling around the web came across the Simms Dry Creek Hip Pack."