Team Tuesday - Simon Chu (aka Chuey)
Father, husband, fishaholic...
Still got a day job but always dreaming of the ultimate life as a troutbum.
Ordinary guy living his life like a movie.
Lucky enough to have fished all over NZ including chasing fish in the salt. Fished a few exotic places and landed some nice fish. Permit, tarpon, bones, GTs, milkfish, stripers, steelhead, Saratoga, barramundi, kingfish, snapper, mako shark and a sailfish too.
Recently returned from the US where I managed my first carp, first cutthroat and first pike on the fly as well.
Published in American Angler, Flylife and Trout fisher here in NZ. Podcast on itinerant angler and of course love being part of the Manic team.
Self confessed gear freak and probably have more stock than most fly shops :-). Pays have two of most balls, best in pairs. :)
Sometimes have been approached by strangers asking if I am Simon Chu... Or who the @&$! Is Simon Chu. :-). Love life and have a blast living it.
PS. Halfway writing the book "the mental angle" - fly fishing like a Jedi