Scott T2H delivers birthday wishes

This communication just in from Fraser Hocks down in Queenstown, happy birthday mate!

"Yesterday was my 44th birthday and one thing I can tell you about reaching this age, is that you don’t see birthdays as an excuse to celebrate and go out drinking hard any more, it’s more of a good excuse to spoil yourself in your favorite things. For me that’s obviously fishing! Unfortunately due to work commitments I had to work the morning, but at 3pm, I decided that id spoil myself with a brief fish. Since I only had 2 hours in which to fish, since my lovely wife was taking me out for tea, I grabbed my Scott T2H spey rod and shot down to a very familiar section of large river close to home. I often pop down here and swing a fly in winter when I have some spare time. This time, the fish were in a very greedy mood. In the first 20mins id hooked and landed three silver bullet rainbows. About an hour in and another hookup, only this time the fish turned its head and was off with drag a screaming. Despite a pretty heavy tippet, it took a bit of stopping. 15mins later I had laying on the bank, most defiantly the best fish iv caught on my beloved Scott T2H. A stunning fish, on a magnificent day, on my favorite rod and on my birthday! Does life get any better.

PS. Yip that’s one of Manic Tackle's X Chris Dore's Mr Glister streamers hanging out the corner its mouth. Despite tying most of my own flys, I find it VERY hard to beat Chris's amazing streamer for swinging flys in winter. It just seems to be like chocolate to a fat kid for big"