Salty Saturday - A Salty Day Out With Rod & Reel
A few days before the Covid-19 self isolation came into effect, I was fortunate to sneak out for an Auckland harbour saltwater fish with Evanna Corric and Nik Hannam from Rod & Reel NZ.
We set out early under less than ideal conditions with brooding skies, wind and rain. More sensible folk would have stayed inside. Glad we’re not sensible as it turned out to be a cracking session, catching Snapper, Kahawai and Kingies. Unknowingly it also turned out to be our last fishing session for a while.
Weapons of choice were two Scott 8wt Sectors matched with Lamson Cobalt reels.
For a long time I’ve been relegated to fish 4-6wt rods due to compromised arms, suffering chronic tendonitis, tendonopathy and carpal tunnel, I’m falling apart!
This was my first experience fishing saltwater for some time and the Sector was perfect for it. My dodgy arms were grateful for a rod that was both powerful and accurate yet with a swing weight closer to one of my trout rods!
Simply put the Sector is a game changer for anyone with similar issues or someone that wants to take advantage of a rod that is light in hand and use without compromising on performance.
Back to the fishing, our trusted captain, deck hand, videographer, netter of fish and comedian Nik found a sheltered corner off Motutapu Island where we spent the last few hours drifting amongst -bust-ups of fat and fit Kahawai and Kingies. We lost count, who cares anyway when you’re amongst friends ??. Confidence growing, we switched to a grey Manic Party Popper which was a fun way to catch a few of these amazing fish.
Being stuck inside like everyone else over this trying time I find myself reflecting on this day with a smile on my dial. It was a perfect way to cement new friendships and build memories that carry us through difficult times. Looking forward to getting amongst it again when we’re allowed out to play, stay safe and take care until then…