Michael Bakkers South Island Spey Salmon
Michael Bakker won his Simms cap in a Win Stuff Wednesday and promised us he'd head out and catch a Salmon on spey so he could send us a photo of him wearing the cap. Sure we thought, that would be nice but we've heard it all before...how wrong we were!
"Salmon in the S.I. where hard to come by this season, I fished a variety of water and weight rods but was pleased to nail one on a 5wt spey. Simms outer wear from head to foot kept me comfortable, really impressed with the freestone boots. Airflo skagit lines, poly leaders and tippet material, no nonsense dependable products from H&F Taranaki. What I can’t show is one memorable hookup in a fast run, line screaming off the reel, 3 tail walking jumps and then slack on the 6/7wt spey! Ah! Looking forward to next season."
And before you lose your mind, these photos were from a wee while back before everything was closed, it's just taken me ages to post them up!