Manic Monday - Weekend Wrap Up
If there's anything that sums up a classic weekend in Taupo is low and clear rivers that then flood overnight and last ditch efforts on the drive home to get something to the net on a wall to wall packed Hinemaiaia.
The fishing was a hard going for myself, Nico and Adam on the Saturday with a very busy Tongariro river fishing a little bit tough. I was lucky enough to get my first fish to the bank on the Scott T3H so that took the edge off but we spent the rest of the day fishing hard for not much else. We even employed the help of the mayor of Turangi, Andrew Burden from Sporting Life Outfitters but despite his best efforts, and help downing a couple of riverside beverages, we finished the session wet, tired and without success.
Solid rain set in overnight and spoiled our plans on meeting up with Andrew again on a small trib as everything was blown out apart from the Waitahanui and, you guessed it...the Hine. And the Hine didn't disappoint with Andrew and the boys hooking plenty of fish, some of them proving harder to get to the net in the faster, high water conditions.
The rivers should be good to go today after all of that rain, typical that it's a Monday right?
The first one to stick around long enough to bank
Andrew points out a couple of nice browns in tricky water for Adam
The Major of Turangi and a classic Hine jack
Adam christening his brand new Scott Radian 906/4
Off ya pop
Nico hooked up again but it was just one of those days where nothing was sticking for him