Winter Stillwater Flies From The Manic Fly Collection

While many of us are out and about waving our double handers around the flow, its important to remember that winter here in NZ isn't all heavy bombs, big streamers and T tips... There are many backwaters and still-waters that deserve much attention.

Tactics change to maximum stealth in these conditions where often breathlessly calm days prevail. Often you only have small windows on smaller, winter still-waters where the fish will avidly feed so you need to be prepared to take advantage. Long, fluorocarbon leaders, soft, subtle tippets and inconspicuous imitative flies are the order of the day on my local, smaller still-waters so lets take a look at some killer Manic patterns to keep YOU in fish this winter

Ritz Slimfast Damsel

Robs Redhead Damsel

Renes Boatman

Morrisons Curvy Chironomid Olive

Wee Wet Black & Peacock