Friday Fly Day - The Low Blow

Not a fan of edge water dries that ride high on the surface? Chances are, that trout isn’t either.

While the Humpy Bluebottle has become a firm favourite here in NZ, on still waters and quieter river margins it doesn’t quite match the positioning of the natural in the film. Many simply clip the underside of the hackle for more of a flush footprint, but we have gone that little bit further.

Introducing the Low Blow, a flush floating film fly imitating every trout’s favourite terrestrial. With a hi viz yarn wing, and multi coloured rubber legs to activate the imitation of life, this super low rider not only imitates a struggling blowfly to perfection, but can also imitate an ant, small cicada or a beetle with its super buggy silhouette. A foam back and head keeps this fly sitting where you want it and adds a little extra buoyancy with a nymph beneath. Of course, the contrasting black / white colourway ensures this fly can be seen in most situations

Available in sizes 12 and 14, tie on a Low Blow from the Manic Fly Collection this summer.