Autumn on the Mataura | Chris Dore
Fly fishing has a few golden patches. Places that far surpass any other area on earth for scenery and abundance of fish. The Mataura River, in the Southland Region of New Zealand is one such river. It is 240 kilometres (150 mi) long and there's a fish to be had in nearly every part of it. But it's not a world famous fishery because it is easy, far from it. It is one of the most technically challenging fisheries there is and there's only one man who has come close to mastering it.
Chris Dore has written a series of articles to give you an insight into this river and the myriad of intricacies that surrounds it. Don't you dare try and wear a glove that's the wrong colour grey or the fish will know. Chris has been on the Mataura more than many and he will help put you in that mystical 10% of fisho's that catch 70% of the fish. Yes, we know the saying, but on the Mataura River, Chris Dore catches that other 20% all by himself.
Check out Chris Dore's Mataura River series:
Chris takes you from top to bottom of the Mataura and what you will need to bring along when you get a chance of a lifetime to fish it.
- Part Two - Nymph Fishing The Mataura River
Pick up a rock and take a look. Nymph fishing on the Mataura is extremely effective...if you know what to look for. Chris will tell in this article.

- Part Three - Rising Trout On The Mataura
Is there anything better than a rising trout? Well, here's what to do when they are rising on the Mataura river
- Part Four - The Emerging Dun
As Chris says "the emerger is the key to matching the hatch upon the Mataura, a time when the trout can be seen rising, but not taking cleanly off the top." Learn more in part 4.
- Part Five - The Spent Spinner
The final in Chris Dore's magnum opus on the Mataura River. Part 5 takes a closer look at how to use spinners and similar variants on the greatest trout fishing river there is*
*According to Chris Dore